Home / News / Industry News / When using RJ-403A for nasal irrigation, how can I ensure that the concentration and temperature of the saline solution or medication are appropriate?

When using RJ-403A for nasal irrigation, how can I ensure that the concentration and temperature of the saline solution or medication are appropriate?


When using RJ-403A for nasal irrigation, it is crucial to ensure that the concentration and temperature of the saline solution or medicine are appropriate. This is not only related to the irrigation effect, but also directly related to the user's nasal health and comfort experience.

Concentration of saline solution or medicine: The concentration of saline solution has a direct impact on the effect of nasal irrigation. If the concentration is too low, the expected cleaning effect may not be achieved; if the concentration is too high, it may cause damage to the nasal mucosa. Clinically, 0.9% saline is recommended because it has a similar osmotic pressure to that of human cell fluid and will not put too much pressure on the nasal mucosa.

To ensure the concentration of the saline solution is appropriate, we can take the following measures:

1. Choose a suitable ratio of salt to water. For example, using 500 ml of warm boiled water to 4.5 grams of salt can get a saline solution close to 0.9%.

2. Use finished saline. There are many sterile saline solutions for external use or sterile injection available on the market. They have been precisely proportioned and are more convenient and safe to use.

Temperature of saline solution or medicine: The temperature of the saline solution is equally important. Too cold or too hot solutions may cause discomfort to the nasal cavity or even cause damage. Generally speaking, it is recommended to use solutions at room temperature (about 20°C), which can also be heated appropriately, but it is not recommended to exceed 40°C.

To ensure that the temperature of the saline solution is appropriate, we can:

1. Use solutions at room temperature. If the room temperature is low, you can take out the solution in advance and leave it for a while to reach the appropriate temperature.

2. Heat the solution appropriately. You can use a warm water bath or other methods to heat the solution to a suitable temperature. However, it should be noted that the solution should not be overheated during the heating process to avoid scalding the nasal cavity.

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